This year for our neighbor gifts we decided to do the nativity on a glass block. We found one we liked on the internet and downloaded it. Love that this one has a dog and a cat!
Deciding what size of block to use was the first decision. I guess I really like the rectangle block a little better than the square this year! Then what and how much filling to put in it. We played with the different colors and types of filling and decided we liked the silver or gold balls. We knew we wanted lights. Finding them with white cords was a challenge so we just went with the green cord. We played with how much filling went in and decided that we liked it with a little less than full.
Next we cut the scene our of matte, black vinyl. I like the matte a little better than the shiny, it seems a little easier to work with. We made sure we liked how it looked on the block.
Then we started to assemble. Steve has a pair of needle nose pliers that are about 12″ long and they helped a lot to get the lights right where we wanted them. We know they will move some, but we positioned a few then added some filling, then lights, then more filling until we had them as full as we wanted.
We ended up gluing the battery pack to the back of the block and that seemed to work well.
Thanks for taking time to stop by!
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