Never ending cards in all sizes

Last weekend at Joann’s while I was demoing the Cricut, I met a really nice lady that loved my never ending card but doesn’t own a Cricut.  I told her that they were just as easy to do without one and I would be happy to show her. Well she lives about 30 minutes away so she was hesitant until I said I’d come to her. Well yesterday she called and we are going to teach her Saturday morning.

Before I went to teach her how to do them without the Cricut , I decided that I better make up at least one the old school way.

You all know that I have to have a twist because making one just like I have isn’t fun!!! So I decided to make one 1″ smaller. That would make it 7″ square. Then I thought why not do one every inch smaller to the 4″ one. So I asked Steve to help me figure out best use of paper and this morning I went for it!! I made one 7″, 6″, 5″, and 4″ !!! I made all of them in about 30 minutes. So these are super simple and fun especially for kids!!!

If you’d like to learn to make these, just let me know!!!

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This week???

This has been one of those weeks when nothing has worked out as we had planned.  We have had a lot of things that we had to finish up for our house loan, and changes in plans.

I have been working on learning to knit but that is so far a challenge I haven’t done well yet.   I’m going to get some more instruction with the knitting from my friend Dee today so maybe I’ll have some pictures later this week!

Then I have been trying to come up with something to do for a give away for an Open House at Joann’s.  That has been a little frustrating because nothing has worked out so far.  But this morning things finally started to work a little better and guess what? I think I might have one figured out!!! Here’s a photo, what do you think?



Also it was our anniversary this week and we went to St. Louis, We went to 2 different Tuesday Morning stores.  I would just remind all my crafty friends out there that those stores carry some good supplies at a good price.

I always go when I have time and am not rushed because you do have to sort through things some.  But it is well worth it!!! I’m sure some of those supplies will make it into projects here soon! I’ll remember to tell you about them as I use them.

The first place I always hit in the store is the clearance sections. These almost always have some really good deals! One thing that I found was 100 pre-cut and scored card bases for $1.99+tax.  I thought that was a great find!!!! Also for those of you that have an embossing machine, they have folders for $.99+tax often! For me that makes it worth it to get some that I wouldn’t otherwise.

I always think about how often I will use something like that before I buy it.  And then say to myself does that justify the cost. At $.99 it makes that worth it when I can only see using it for a season like Christmas or something!!!

Thanks for reading my ramblings!



Another Father’s Day Card

With Father’s Day this weekend we wanted to make our son a card. He was so enthralled with his wife’s never ending Mother’s Day card, we decided to make him one for Father’s Day. I made Steve help me and this is what we came up with. I hope he likes it!


Thanks for stopping by and reading my ramblings!


P.S. Remember if you would like an email reminder when I post something new, send your email to me in the comments and we will put you on the list! You can request to be taken off at any time.


More Ceramics

We originally went to the ceramic shop to paint a piece together that would have to be fired again. We decided to do a platter with flowers on it! Steve was quite the trooper since this doesn’t exactly relax him!! We didn’t get it done the day we were there so I went back and finished it on my own! We finally have it back and so we thought we’d share that with you today! I really like how it turned out except for the leaves need to be a different color and have some better definition! But for our first try in years, we think it turned out pretty!!!


Pottery done @ Pottery Island Columbia Missouri



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