Valentine Treats

Sorry I didn’t post last week but my phone completely died and it took half a day to get a new one and we still haven’t figured it out!!!

So I love to make favor things and couldn’t resist these cute dollar store glasses or this fun bucket I fund in multiple colors! Then, of course, I just filled them with fun Valentine’s candy!  A little ribbon and there you go! So fast and easy!!!



And a little something extra to make up for last week..

This little paper purse is made from 1 piece of 6×6 paper!!! And of course you can make it out of any size paper!!

Thanks for stopping by!!!!



St. Patrick’s Day Favors

This week I am trying to get a head start on my display for the next month and making up a lesson plan for the next Cricut class.  So I cut a couple of St. Patrick’s Day favors.  The hat was very simple but the pot has proven to be a bit of a pain to keep together.  I used extra sticky tape but it still comes apart when I leave it sitting. I’m going to have to fix that before I put it on display.

I need to work on some Easter but it is a little early for the stores here to have anything for it.  So I guess I’ll have to find something else to do!!!  Maybe something for fun instead of work.

The Cricut class is an advanced class. We are going to learn to import images from the internet and how to create our own things like Steve and I have with the cards and hearts. I’m a little nervous but have a week or so before class so I can get it all down!!

Miss all my Utah friends!!  Thanks for all encouragement!!!




More Hearts

This week I wanted to make some woven hearts from fabric. I did this years ago out of Christmas material for ornaments. But the funny thing is that I have never done any for Valentine’s. So this year I asked Steve to help me program it into the Cricut and got some Valentine’s fabric. I like the way this came out, I hope you do too!! Oh and you can do them out of paper too! (that’s the single one.)
Thanks for stopping by!!!






More Valentines

Well I finally got the things done for my display done! It is so much fun when things work out! So I made a pop up card, a mailbox, a layered scene, a cup and candy holders. The mailbox, card, and layered scene were in Design Space by Cricut. The cup was my idea and the candy holders I found online. Steve helped me improve it, so that once you eat the candy you still have the cute holder, and helped me resize it so different candy bars fit. He also helped me get the cup paper so we could cut it on the Cricut. So here are a bunch of pictures!!!

Thanks for reading!!
