My son asked for Halloween decor for his birthday that is a few weeks away. And we all know that the craft stores all have had their things out for weeks. So I thought about making him something but with the house just getting started and us moving everything, I just wasn’t in the right mindset.
So you all know how I love a bargain and how I love Tuesday Morning…well I haven’t been there in ages. So we went and we found these cute marquee light kits! And they were a really good price! You know I had to add something to them!
So I used the pattern in the ghost and hand cut it all out. Then I decided even if it took a little time that having the Cricut cut it would be easier. So I scanned the pumpkin in and it took a few tries to get it sized right, but wow it was easy after that!

I think they are cute and I hope that Alex and his little family enjoy them!
Thanks for stopping by!!
The great thing about the Cricut machine is that if you need more of a project you can just go in and make it again without having to redesign it!
That is what we did this week! Our friend that had us do ribbons for her friend’s daughter’s ball team needed them for another team. So we just pulled up our saved project, put in the quantity we needed and pressed go! You might want to test it out on a plain test paper first to make sure it goes as you want. Paper is cheaper than vinyl.
Well ok it got a little tougher than that, things never go that easy for me!! Steve got us an after market pen holder and this is the first time we have used it. And it did the writing fine but when it was ‘traveling” to the next spot it didn’t always pick up right so there were some “extra” lines. I just spent a few minutes with swaps and alcohol and got them out of the ribbons. There are some still but they are on the negative space. Too bad our projects can’t work perfect every time. The good thing is we keep making it work!!!!!

Thanks for stopping by today!!!
This week I wanted to talk about cards for a minute. I don’t know about everyone but when I send a card I am looking to convey a feeling, ie. love, hope, sympathy, longing. Anyway, color can play a big role in conveying that feeling. So this week I decided to show you an example of that. Also the way you orient your card can make a difference also. So let’s look at this example!

So when you look at the yellow one you get a softer more subtle feeling, where with the white you get a sharper, louder kind of feel. The first pictures with the vertical orientation you kind of get a stronger feeling, and the second picture with the horizontal orientation gives you a softer feel!

I hope you can play with your projects and see if you can tell the differences!
Thanks for stopping by!!!!
Sorry we are late getting this out this week. We have been busy moving our belongings to a storage container. This week we finally got word that we got the loan but we don’t have time to get the house built before we have to be out of our rental. So we bought a storage container and are in the process of moving our massive amount of stuff to the container. We think we might need 2 containers!!I know none of you are surprised at that! lol lol lol So for the next several months while we move and get the house built the blog might be a little hit and miss, sorry.
This weekend I have an Open House at Joann’s so I am trying to get the Giveaway figured out. It needs to be Solar Eclipse Themed because that is going to be the big deal here in a few days!!!
So I decided to make a mini eclipse viewer. And this is what I came up with! It is a little box bottom I designed so it would hold a small candy and then I just attached the squares and decorations to that box. I tried it in the house with my flashlight and it seems to work, but I’m not sure that it is big enough to use for the actual eclipse. Oh well it is just a giveaway!!! Hope you like it!!!

This week I wanted to send a thank you card to each of my cousins for letting us crash their reunion. I just wanted them simple and my Cricut was in for repair so I just did some stamping. I haven’t really stamped in a long time so it was good to get back to it!! I think they are fun!

Thanks for stopping by!!
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Scrapbooking, Crafts and such!