Christmas time!!!

It has been hard to get excited about Christmas this year for me. I think some of it is that the weather is still so nice here! Today is the first day we have had frost on the car windows and by 9 am things are completely melted off.

It has helped that we are getting something ready to send to our kids and granddaughter. And we went shopping for some things for a 2-year-old for a Sub For Santa this weekend!
Also this weekend we went to one of the local stores and did these darling make and take mini coffee cups!

So today I’m just going to post some pictures of the things we have been doing. It doesn’t seem like it is very creative but it has been fun!

This is just a simple card I made for my kids. We decided to do 12 days of Christmas with just some cheap, fun things we found. It is kind of a tradition that we put funny sayings with their packages so we did that and have things the same so we can all open and do the same activity or have the same thing each of the 12 days!  There are actually 20 days because we got carried away! lol lol lol That doesn’t sound like me at all does it?!!!  We are hoping to get them out of here and on their way to Utah and Montana today or tomorrow!  We just have one more goodie we want to make and put in!!!  Alex’s is a little fuller because there are 3 people in his little family now!!



Hope you are all working on fun Christmas projects of your own!!  If I can help in any way, please let me know.  I’d love to help!!!!!


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Fabric With the Cricut

Ok MJ asked if we could cut that orange card from fabric, I haven’t tried that but I did do a shirt for my granddaughter. 10191621171 Here it is. You have to use a stabilizer on the back like heat and bond, but then you can see (hopefully) that it cuts pretty fine detail. The detail in the feet and the thin space between the ear and body!  Thanks for the question MJ!!!!


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Cricut Fun


1122161241111221612421I’m playing with my Cricut some more this week because we are having a lot of people ask me to show them how to do different things!! I’ very grateful that I can help and have fun at the same time!! This week I learned how to take a lace design and incorporate it into a card! I think it turned out really pretty! I also learned how to add the score lines! So the card can fold in the right place for the lace. I’m excited to play with other shapes to form this gate card!!!!



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Santa Books

As most of you know, while in Utah I did a Santa book with some of your children. Well, this weekend I went to a class and learned how to do this cool waterfall book! And I thought, could this be modified a little and made into Santa books? And could we figure out how to have Santa do what we did in Utah?

Well, yes they can be Santa books and yes we figured it out!! I’m so glad because this means that I can do one for my new grandbaby, Hope!! If you are interested in doing this with your child (children), please contact me for all the details!!! Here are some of them I have ready to go!!!


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Christmas Teddy Bears

This week has been kind of busy again! I guess that I ‘m supposed to start doing more business here sooner than we get into the house because it seems like every couple of days there is someone wanting to do a project with me. It is great but then I find myself designing projects and not getting anything done for the blog. So I guess that the blog is just going to get the start of my projects this week! Maybe more weeks too!!!! lol

So I am trying to make a class with the Cricut group. They want to make cards. There are lots of fun things to do there but they are not both on an Explore so we are limited a little. So I decided that we could make teddy bear cards. This morning has been all about getting the teddy bears all the same size and then cutting them and putting them together. I am going to give them enough materials to do 3 of each bear!! That should make a dent in their card-giving!!! So here is a picture of the bears and I will post pictures of the cards when they are done!!!!

I had issues getting a picture in and so now the cards are done so we will just post that picture now!!!

christmas teddy bear cards





Thanks for reading!!!!!



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Christmas Stockings

steve-stockingSorry, the blog is late again this week. My days are all running together! And it seems like things have been really busy again, but I can’t figure with what!! lol

Anyway, I am working on new Christmas stockings for Steve and me. With the kids on their own, it is time for a change.  Here is a preview picture and I will post the finished project once I have them done. I used the Cricut to cut the letters out of the felt and that was a learning experience. Felt is a hard thing to get cut cleanly and all the way through. But felt is cheap and our names are small!!! I also had to learn how to get things to cut where I wanted them on the mat with the Cricut. All good things to know as I continue to teach others!



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