More Halloween Books

We mentioned last week that we would have some more of the Halloween book/boxes! So here they are! Hope you like them!



Remember they are all for sale, $12.00/per stack and we can meet up to deliver!


Thanks for stopping by! 


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Halloween Book Boxes

Halloween has always been a big holiday in our family. We have almost as much Halloween decor as we do Christmas!

So when I came across these fun boxes that look like books I knew I had to do something fun with them! These are ones that I found last year. I found some this year too and will posting them as soon as I get them tied together!

You may not be aware that everything I post on here is for sale! I’m sorry we haven’t put pricing on but I will start. We are struggling a little with the store part of our website right now so if you are interested please feel free to contact me at

$12.00 a stack pickup or meet up, close to Fulton or Mexico MO

Thanks for reading!



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Christmas Shaker Cards

I found a new shaker card kit and it was Christmas themed.

This time I decided to measure the shaker bits. I used a dash or two of the white pieces and a smidgen of the green. I don’t really think that the green goes with the color scheme so that is why I didn’t used it much. 

The other thing I did differently this time is that I took the backing off the sticky pat before I added the shaker bits, it made it so that none of the bits got stuck to the sticky when I took the backing off. This  made putting them together go a lot fast for me. Also with the sticky part, after I peeled the backing off I used a small piece of it under my finger to hold the card in place while I added the bits. 

Hope you like them!


Thanks for stopping by!




I Love Dogs Shadowbox

This week I used that paper that I designed and finally got the I Love Dogs shadowbox done!

I love the way it turned out!!  I love the colors!!!  I used a technique that I haven’t in a while.  I “dirtied” the letters and the dogs face with a sweeper brush.  It was fun to do something I hadn’t done in a while and I think it really added to the finished project!

There has been some debate on which frame it looks best in so we will be posting them both!!!

Thanks for supporting me in my blog!!!



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Yard Decor

This week we thought we would make some of those snowflakes that they make with the hangers. As I watched several different YouTube videos, I realized that you could do so many other things! 

So we decided to make a flower for a friend that has been going through a rough patch!

So the supplies are: hangers, cable ties (2 sizes), an ice cream lid, paint, PVC pipe and rebar.

First we laid out the hangers thinking we needed 18, from the videos, but only ended up using 13. 

Then we decided where to tie the hangers together for the most stability.



Then the lid was more of a challenge than we expected. The spray paint didn’t cover the logo very well and it is flaking off already.We will need to figure out the flaking issue fr the next one. We marked the lid where we were going to put the ties and drilled holes for that before we painted.  Then we attached it to the hangers with the ties.


Then next part was figuring out how to attach the pvc. I didn’t want it to just sit right flush with the ground. So we drilled a hole about 1/4″ from the top of the pipe and put a tie through that so it would sit on the top of the rebar.  We put 2 ties through that hole so that we had one to attach it to the flower as well.

Then we used another tie to attach the pipe on the lower side of the flower.


The way we hooked the top of the hanger around the other hanger caused them all to bend in slightly and make it look more like a flower I think!

We hammered the rebar into the ground and slid the pipe over the rebar! I can’t wait to make me one!!!


Thanks for stopping by to read my blog!!


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